Vegapunk has revealed an important message that the world is about to sink into the sea.

Chapter 1113 of the One Piece manga is truly massive in many respects, and the most important part of this chapter occurs at the end, when Vegapunk makes a significant announcement.
This major announcement has sent shockwaves throughout the world, and its essence is that the entire world will sink to the bottom of the ocean. This announcement holds crucial significance for the future storyline in many ways. Although currently it may not mean much to fans, there is certainly a way for the world to sink to the bottom of the ocean.
Vegapunk’s message has finally surfaced after months of anticipation.

Vegapunk’s important message has been hinted at in previous chapters of One Piece. The beginning part of the message is about summoning all Five Elders to Egghead Island, using the power of Saturn.
Since then, the elders have decided to take action and attempt to neutralize any threats on the island. For example, V. Nusjuro has begun to take down Pacifistas and ensure that they are no longer operational. At the same time, Ju Peter and Warcury are focusing on Luffy.
Marcus Mars has arrived at Labophase to destroy the Den Den Mushi, while Saturn carries out necessary activities. Initially, he focused on Luffy, but now he has shifted his attention to Nico Robin.
Nevertheless, the appearance of the five elders on Egghead Island only shows how far-reaching Vegapunk’s message is spreading. In One Piece chapter 1113, fans finally learn what Vegapunk has to say to the world. It is, “Our world is about to sink into the sea!”
The first thing fans must remember is that the entire message has not yet been released. There are many specific details that still need to be resolved. The context of many things is still unclear. However, the main point of the message is that the world of One Piece will sink to the bottom of the ocean.
This is an extremely significant message and will undoubtedly shake the world. Fans have yet to see the proper reaction of the world to this message. But the first thing fans may wonder when reading this message is, how can the world sink to the bottom of the ocean?
After all, the world can be ravaged by war everywhere and still not sink. Surely there must be something special causing this phenomenon. In fact, it has been in front of fans for quite some time, and there are many ways the world could truly sink to the bottom of the ocean.
Rising Sea Levels in One Piece: A Gradual Threat

The rising sea levels in the world of One Piece have been a growing concern for quite some time now. This phenomenon was first explicitly addressed in the Water 7 arc, where Iceberg mentioned the gradual increase in seawater levels over time. This rise in sea levels has led to higher tides and more dangerous storms like Aqua Laguna.
As we’ve seen in Water 7, the water level used to be much lower in the past. However, over time, the sea began to rise, eventually submerging Old Water 7, necessitating the construction of New Water 7 on higher ground. It’s clear that the sea level is constantly rising and will continue to do so in the coming years. This is one of the reasons Iceberg even wanted to build a floating city, which became New Water 7.
The recent events in the One Piece world have further accelerated the rise in sea levels. The destruction of Lulusia caused sea levels to rise by 1 meter, resulting in the submergence of several islands. This was caused by the Mother Flame used by Imu on Lulusia. Currently, Egghead Island has the potential to create more of these Mother Flames, and if that happens, the consequences are clear.

The Five Elders have made it clear that their intention is to crush any signs of rebellion. Therefore, the use of Mother Flame that we witnessed in the early parts of Egghead Island is not the first time it has been used, and it will certainly not be the last. If this continues to happen, the sea level will surely rise by several more meters, and the entire world could be completely submerged as a result.
The Fate of the One Piece World Hangs in the Balance of Ancient Weapons

The gradual sinking of the world is deeply connected to the use of Ancient Weapons. Ancient Weapons have been wielded by individuals in the past. They were built by the people of the Ancient Kingdom. However, two of them are actually harmless, at least for now.
Pluto is hidden in Wano, while Poseidon is Luffy’s greatest ally and would never do anything to harm the world. However, Uranus is owned by Imu and the Mother Flame could actually be the power source for Uranus, allowing it to unleash powerful shots that can wipe out entire islands. With the power of Uranus, the world could indeed sink.
If the truth about the world is exposed and the World Government finds itself cornered, they may have no choice but to unleash the Mother Flame upon the world. With this power, they could sink all the islands that rebel against them, and that would surely cause a horrific rise in sea levels. Therefore, the sinking of the world could be linked to the World Government’s eradication of signs of rebellion.

This is why there is a giant hole under Enies Lobby, and why the island never sees night. The reason for this is still unknown at this time, but it could be directly related to the fact that sea levels are rising all over the world.
Another thing fans need to consider is that Pluton will be released at some point, and this powerful weapon also has the potential to wipe out entire kingdoms with a single attack. Pluton could even destroy the Red Line, and if so, the destruction of the Red Line could also cause sea levels to rise. The One Piece world will surely sink, and how to stop it is anyone’s guess.
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