In the early stages of Patch 14.9, the Enchanter trait emerged as a powerful contender due to its ability to dodge the nerfs targeted at 5-cost champion compositions. However, players primarily used this synergy as support for carries like Kayn, Lee Sin, or Sylas. It wasn’t until the tail end of Patch 14.9 that high-level players on the LPL server discovered a way for Enchanters to shine as the main carry, introducing the Zyra-Spirit composition.
The Rise of Zyra as a Powerhouse

Strengths of the Composition:
- Free Grievous Wounds: Zyra’s ability inherently applies Grievous Wounds, which reduces enemy healing. This proves highly effective against prevalent melee carries like Yone, Kayn, and the Duelist trait, allowing Zyra to take them down swiftly.
- Superior Tankiness: The combination of Diana’s resilience and Morgana’s AoE attack speed reduction makes the composition exceptional at countering the popular melee-focused comps.
- Early Game Stability: Utilizing Zyra grants players a significant advantage in maintaining early health thanks to the power spike at 3 Historian.
- Amplified Damage: Following the bug fix for the Spirit trait in Patch 14.9b, Zyra’s damage output received a substantial boost, further solidifying the comp’s strength.
Why Choose Zyra-Spirit?

- Overflowing damage
- Abundance of disruptive effects
- Incredibly durable frontline
Building the Zyra-Spirit Composition
Early Game (Levels 1-4):

- Prioritize achieving the 3 Historian synergy to ensure early health sustain.
- Look for frontline champions like Jax (activating Warden with Garen) or Rek’Sai and Aatrox (activating Brawlers with Riven).
- If Zyra isn’t readily available, opt for budget spellcasting carries like Ahri, Lux, or Kindred to hold onto carry items.
Mid Game (Levels 5-7):

- Focus on reaching Level 6 quickly to increase the chances of rolling Zyra.
- While searching for 3-star Zyra, invest in Spirit units like Aatrox and Shen to bolster the frontline’s resilience.
Late Game (Level 8+)

- Ascend to Level 8 and incorporate Enchanter units such as Morgana and Diana.
- If gold allows, strive for Level 9 to acquire high-value 5-cost champions like Wukong, Udyr, or Lissandra. These champions provide the composition with a multitude of crowd control effects, bolstering its chances of securing first place.
Itemization and Augments:

Zyra (Carry):
- Shojin’s Spear
- Nashor’s Tooth
- Rabadon’s Deathcap or Giant Slayer (depending on the situation)
- Item granting Augments are highly valuable because this composition boasts multiple damage dealers (Zyra, Morgana, Wukong).
- Treasure Trove is another powerful option to aim for.
General Tips:
- This serves as a foundational guide, and players should adapt the composition based on the available champion pool and in-game situations.
- Prioritize crafting items that complement your existing champions and team composition.
The Zyra-Spirit composition offers a potent and unconventional approach to tackling the current meta. With its straightforward gameplay and manageable execution, this comp caters to players of all skill levels. Give Zyra-Spirit a try and watch your rank climb efficiently!
See more information in Esports section here.