Teamfight Tactics (TFT) Season 11 has seen a dynamic meta shift with the introduction of the Crafted Equipment system. This exciting addition allows players to forge powerful, unique items with specific effects, dramatically altering the capabilities of existing champions. This article explores three champions who have been revitalized by Crafted Equipment, transforming them into dominant carries capable of securing easy victories.
1. Kindred: The Wolf Unleashed
Pre-Crafted Equipment Struggles:

Kindred has always held the potential for greatness, receiving consistent buffs from Riot Games in recent patches. However, the rise of the “fast 8” playstyle and the dominance of expensive 4-cost champions like Aphelios and Syndra relegated Kindred to the sidelines.
Empowered by Whisperwood Sword:
Crafted Equipment has revitalized Kindred’s potential with the introduction of Whisperwood Sword. This powerful item synergizes perfectly with Kindred’s kit, offering significant bonus magic damage after using their ability. This interaction is particularly potent due to Kindred’s low maximum mana pool and their frequent use of Blue Buff, ensuring consistent activation.
Unleashing the God-Killer:

The magic damage bonus from Whisperwood Sword can critically strike, further amplifying Kindred’s output. This, coupled with the Gemstone Cavern or Gauntlet of Power augments, transforms Kindred into a “god-killer” capable of shredding through enemy teams with devastating magical bursts.
Synergy with Spirit of the Forest:
Furthermore, Whisperwood Sword’s damage boost perfectly complements the Spirit of the Forest trait. As Kindred eliminates enemies, the trait heals the entire team, allowing Kindred to snowball leads and dominate the late game.
2. Bard: The Reemergence of the Chime Bard
From Meta King to Forgotten:

Bard stormed onto the scene in the early stages of TFT Season 11, offering unparalleled utility and control with his chimes and ultimate. However, subsequent nerfs significantly reduced his effectiveness, causing him to fade from the meta.
Reignited with the Violet Knife:
The Crafted Equipment system has brought Bard back to the forefront with the introduction of Violet Knife. This fantastic item grants Bard bonus magic damage on-hit and life steal equivalent to 35% of his magic damage dealt.
Perfect Harmony with Bard’s Playstyle:
Violet Knife synergizes beautifully with Bard’s ability and standard itemization. The on-hit magic damage complements his auto-attacks, significantly increasing his overall damage output. Additionally, the life steal provides much-needed survivability, allowing Bard to thrive in the current meta dominated by the Duelist composition. Duelists often rely on extended fights to stack their Guinsoo’s Rageblade, and Bard’s increased ability to sustain himself through these battles allows him to disrupt their carries.
3. Gnar: The Mega-Mutation
From Forgotten to Fearsome:

Similar to Kindred, Gnar suffered from nerfs and lost favor in the meta before the introduction of Crafted Equipment. However, one seemingly underwhelming Crafted Equipment item has become Gnar’s key to dominance.
The Unexpected Hero: Blackthorn’s Bloodletter
Blackthorn’s Bloodletter, an item that grants increased attack damage and powerful healing but disables spellcasting and mana regeneration, has unexpectedly emerged as Gnar’s best friend.
Trading Spells for Superior Stats:
Gnar’s primary ability is a straightforward linear attack with no additional effects. While losing access to his spell might seem like a detriment, Blackthorn’s Bloodletter more than compensates with its raw power.
Superior Damage and Self-Sustain:

Gnar typically requires six attacks to cast his ability, dealing roughly 290% of his Attack Damage (AD) at 3-star. Conversely, after six attacks with Blackthorn’s Bloodletter, Gnar’s innate attack damage bonus alone surpasses this value (300% AD). Moreover, the increased life steal from Blackthorn’s Bloodletter allows Gnar to effectively utilize Infinity Edge, a powerful but risky item on traditional Gnar builds.
A Fearsome Frontline Carry:
This synergy transforms Gnar into a formidable frontline carry, boasting immense damage output and exceptional survivability. He can shrug off heavy punishment while simultaneously melting enemy teams with his empowered attacks.
Crafted Equipment has breathed new life into previously marginalized champions in TFT Season 11. Kindred, Bard, and Gnar are prime examples, demonstrating the system’s ability to unlock surprising champion strengths and create exciting new strategic possibilities. As players continue to experiment with Crafted Equipment combinations, the meta landscape will undoubtedly evolve, offering fresh challenges and rewarding victories. Players who can adapt their strategies on the fly, capitalizing on unexpected champion strengths and crafting innovative item combinations, will undoubtedly rise to the top. The thrill of discovery and the constant evolution of the meta keep Teamfight Tactics fresh and engaging, ensuring a season filled with both frustrating defeats and exhilarating victories as players master the intricacies of Crafted Equipment and push the boundaries of competitive play.
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