Super Cube, written by Shuiluo Sheng Sheng, is an action-packed, mystical story about a teenager who, during his high school years, stumbles upon a cube with extraordinary powers. Besides, this discovery sets him on a journey to overcome obstacles, collect artifacts, and ultimately become the “King of the World” filled with youthful zeal.
Introduction: Wang Xiao Xiu’s Start in Manhua Super Cube
The story kicks off with a battle for the affection of a beautiful girl between two gang leaders from different high schools. Meanwhile, Wang Xiao Xiu, just an ordinary high school student, finds himself entangled in troubles when the attractive Shen Yao, the girl both gang leaders have their eyes on, confesses her feelings to him.
Unexpected Turn of Events: The Discovery of Supernatural Power
To intimidate Wang Xiao Xiu and prevent him from approaching Shen Yao, Sun Yun and his gang force him onto a bridge. However, due to an unexpected incident, he falls into the river. Instead of immediately surfacing, he follows the water flow and discovers a glittering object at the riverbed. This object, a small cubic block, transforms into his chest like Iron Man.
Horadric System in Super Cube: Unveiling Extraordinary Abilities
Thanks to the latent power within the cubic block, Wang Xiao Xiu gains the ability of instantaneous teleportation. Furthermore, the system within the cubic block is named Horadric, providing him with unique capabilities such as seeing through objects within a 15m range.
Power Stones and Gemstones in Super Cube: Enhancing Strength
To increase his strength, Wang Xiao Xiu must collect various power stones, also known as gemstones. These gemstones, including solid, sparkling, powerful energy, and mystical types, contribute to enhancing his physical abilities and unlocking special attributes.
Horadric’s Gemstone Fusion: Combining Strengths
The Horadric system allows the fusion of gemstones at different levels. Wang Xiao Xiu, as a supernatural individual, seeks gemstones of the same level to combine. This fusion process involves combining three basic gemstones into an intermediate one and three intermediate gemstones into an advanced gemstone.
Challenges and Troubles: The Pursuit of “King of the World”
In the quest to become the “King of the World” and find his missing girlfriend, Wang Xiao Xiu faces various challenges. These range from mysterious disappearances to joining an organization to gather information about Shen Yao.
Characters in Super Cube
Wang Xiao Xiu
Wang Xiao Xiu is a newly grown teenager known for his compassion and determination. After discovering the cubic block, his physical abilities skyrocket, and he acquires two new supernatural powers. Despite the challenges ahead, Wang Xiao Xiu a resilient individual striving to achieve his goals.
Shen Yao
Shen Yao, the dream girl for many, plays a crucial role in connecting plot twists. Despite her popularity as a hot girl, Shen Yao is down-to-earth and caring, serving as the source of Wang Xiao Xiu’s power.
Mumu Xia
Additionally, Mumu Xia who is a guiding figure for Wang Xiao Xiu, aims to form a group with individuals possessing supernatural abilities to support each other. Despite her petite stature, Mumu Xia is quick-witted and organized.
Conclusion: The Exciting Journey Ahead
In conclusion, the journey to find love and become the “King of the World” for Wang Xiao Xiu is filled with dangers and obstacles. However, with his strong character and determination, he refuses to give up. For readers eagerly anticipating the unfolding suspense, stay tuned to!
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