Riot Games, the developer of the immensely popular MOBA League of Legends, faces the perennial challenge of maintaining balance within the game. With a roster exceeding 160 champions, a vast array of items, and countless build combinations, ensuring competitive fairness is a delicate dance. Unfortunately, recent updates and meta shifts have left a significant portion of the player base feeling frustrated and neglected – particularly those who specialize in the Attack Damage Carry (ADC) role.

The Decline of the Marksman
Marksmen, known for their ranged attacks, scaling damage, and late-game carry potential, have seen a steady decline in perceived power. Players and prominent streamers alike, such as thebauffs and Nemesis, are voicing their concerns that the ADC role urgently requires attention from Riot. Thebauffs bluntly asserts, “ADC has been the weakest role for the past six months.”
This dissatisfaction stems not only from a generalized feeling of weakness, but also from the glaring omission of ADCs from recent patch notes. While other roles have received buffs, nerfs, and adjustments, marksmen appear to have been overlooked entirely.
Support Overlords: A Contentious Imbalance

Adding insult to injury, the support role currently casts a long shadow over bot lane. Champions traditionally designed as supports, like Senna and Seraphine, enjoy far greater success and win rates when played in a carry-like style. Senna, particularly controversial, boasts higher damage output and utility when built as a pseudo-ADC than champions meant to fill the role.
Players argue this unnatural lane hierarchy discourages individuals from picking traditional ADCs. With supports outperforming marksmen in both damage and carry potential, the incentive to select a classic Jinx or Caitlyn wanes.
Balancing the Scales: Potential Solutions

A prevalent theory circulating within the League of Legends community posits that if Riot doesn’t curb the power of supports, marksmen may never stand a chance. This creates a sense of forced choice – either pick a support with high carry potential or resign yourself to having less impact on the outcome of the match. This imbalance detracts from the strategic diversity that made League of Legends appealing in the first place.
While toning down dominating supports is one option, it’s equally important to make the ADC role more appealing independently. This could involve increasing base stats, buffing core ADC items, or perhaps even introducing new Mythic items specifically intended for marksmen.
A Glimmer of Hope
The meta of League of Legends is fluid and constantly evolving. As more players call attention to the plight of the ADC, Riot may be incentivized to introduce changes favoring marksmen. Until then, the League of Legends community waits anxiously, hoping that the developers will heed their plea and restore the glory of the once-feared ADC role.
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