In this article, we will explore how to build Clorinde, the newest 5-star Electro DPS character in Genshin Impact. Clorinde, the Fontaine representative of justice, has been a highly anticipated character for Genshin Impact players for over a year. As an on-field character, players can utilize Clorinde in a variety of team compositions with great effectiveness. Let’s delve into the world of Clorinde’s build together!
Clorinde’s Gameplay

Clorinde’s skillset revolves around the ebb and flow of her Pact of Life effect and her impressive self-healing capabilities, though her damage output may not be as high as some players might initially expect. To master Clorinde’s gameplay, players simply need to remember a straightforward combo:
- Activate Nightwatch with her Elemental Skill.
- Perform 3 Normal Attacks to fire Judgment and increase Pact of Life above 100% (more than half of her HP bar).
- Press E to unleash her Piercing the Nightfall sword strike and heal herself when Pact of Life is above 100%.
Repeat the above combo until Judgment ends, typically lasting 3 casts. These attacks offer decent AOE, apply a significant amount of Electro, and have an extremely fast attack speed, making Clorinde an efficient applicator for on-hit effects (Xingqiu/Yelan’s Q, Fischl’s Oz, Raiden’s E, etc.).
Clorinde’s Strengths
Clorinde stands out as a highly beginner-friendly and versatile character due to her ability to control the direction of her Piercing the Nightfall sword strike. Players don’t need to master any complex playstyles to achieve effective results with this new character. Her damage output is further enhanced by her Banishing Shadowlight talent, which grants a maximum of 1800 bonus damage to her Q and E attacks when there are characters in the team that can trigger Electro-related reactions. This damage is added to the base attack damage, before all calculations, so the final numbers can be quite impressive.
Clorinde’s Scaling and Team Composition
However, if you’re expecting Clorinde’s sword strikes and gunshots to deliver sky-high damage numbers like Neuvillette, Arlecchino, or even Alhaitham, you might be disappointed. This is perhaps the trade-off for Clorinde’s ability to gain Pact of Life from the healing effects of other characters in the team. She should be compared more to Keqing or Raiden (C0) rather than the top “meta DPS” characters in Genshin Impact.

When building Clorinde, there’s no need to prioritize upgrading her Normal Attacks, as her damage almost entirely stems from her Elemental Skill. Clorinde’s Elemental Burst also holds little value beyond adding additional damage and granting a substantial amount of Pact of Life – at level 7, it provides 102% HP worth of Pact of Life, so you can use Piercing the Nightfall to heal immediately. Therefore, once Nightwatch is activated, the Q > E combo serves as a very useful “emergency” combo for Clorinde.
C1/C2 or Signature Weapon? A Guide for Clorinde Mains
For Genshin Impact players facing the dilemma of choosing between C1/C2 and a 5-star signature weapon for Clorinde, the decision can be quite challenging. Unlike Keqing or Alhaitham, Clorinde’s constellations prove to be exceptionally valuable. However, due to her relatively low base damage, investing in additional constellations may not yield significant improvements, as a significant portion of her team damage does not stem from Clorinde herself.
Therefore, if you don’t have a readily available 5-star sword (such as Haran Geppaku Futsu, Judgment of Foebreaker, Skyward Blade, or Blackcliff Longsword), acquiring a signature weapon for Clorinde would be a more impactful choice. If you already possess one of these swords, then pursuing constellations is not a bad option either. Regardless of your path, Clorinde remains a fully functional character at C0, with higher constellations primarily catering to “whales” seeking the absolute best version of Clorinde.
Artifact Builds for Clorinde

Clorinde’s unique skillset limits her artifact choices to a select few. You can essentially copy Arlecchino’s build: ATK Sand, Electro Goblet, and Crit Rate Circlet. Prioritize Crit Rate and ATK% as substats. If you’re playing Bloom comps, consider an EM Sand, but for C1 and above, an ATK% Goblet is better.
Note that Clorinde has a “free” 20% Crit Rate from her Pact of Life talent, so don’t build her over 80% Crit Rate – it’s a waste!
Here are the artifact sets you can use for Clorinde in Genshin Impact 4.7:
- 4x Emblem of Severed Fate: Increases Clorinde’s ATK and directly boosts her damage by 54% after 3 Normal Attacks during Nightwatch. This is the best choice if you want to maximize Clorinde’s own damage output.
- 4x Thundering Fury: While it doesn’t increase Clorinde’s damage by much, the reduced E cooldown after triggering an Electro reaction allows Clorinde to have more field time. Highly effective if you’re using Clorinde as a “driver” to trigger attacks and reactions, amplifying her teammates’ damage.
- 4x Gladiator’s Finale: Both Judgment’s charged shots and Piercing the Nightfall’s sword strikes are considered Normal Attack damage, making a good Gladiator set very suitable for Clorinde. However, it’s only truly effective in Growth + Bloom team comps and still falls short compared to the two options above.

Weapon Builds for Clorinde
Here are the weapon options you can consider for Clorinde in Genshin Impact 4.7:
- Primordial Jade Cutter: Provides the highest overall damage output for Clorinde, regardless of your team composition.
- Haran Geppaku Futsu: Ayato’s signature weapon can be effectively utilized by Clorinde in Growth + Bloom or Intensify comps, offering comparable damage output.
- Judgment of Foebreaker: Released alongside Primordial Jade Cutter, this weapon also ranks among the top choices for Clorinde.
- Skyward Blade: A solid option for Intensify teams due to its powerful Electro damage bonus effect.

- Blackcliff Longsword (R5): Can potentially overcap Clorinde’s Crit Rate, so pair it with a CRIT DMG Circlet. Its HP recovery effect is almost negligible for Clorinde.
- The Flute (R5): A great free-to-play option, simply purchase the blueprint from the Inazuma blacksmith to craft it.
- Song of Broken Pines (R5): The 36% damage bonus against Electro-afflicted enemies makes it particularly useful for Clorinde.
- Amenoma Kageuchi (R5): Another excellent free-to-play choice, comparable to The Flute, as long as you avoid taking damage.

Ultimately, the best weapon for Clorinde depends on your individual playstyle, resource availability, and team composition. Prioritize weapons that boost her ATK, Crit Rate, and Electro damage to maximize her effectiveness as a DPS character.
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